Where to find KiwiYarn-a in 2018
Fibre Fiesta, 27th October
Kumeu Community Centre - 35 Access Road, Kemeu
This is the last show for KiwiYarn-a this year. I will have a stall there and the lovely Hayley Daisley will be running it on my be-half. (Unless I change my mind and decide to grab a flight, I won't be their personally). EFTPOS will be abaliable at this stage. Chiaogoo, at this stage, I only plan to send the sets up. and a whooping 200 skeins roughly!
Hayley helped my at Auckland Woolfest this year, so some of you will recognise her, she is very knowledable with my product so you wont be dissapoined.
Last November I attended my first woolshow. I was full of nerves and overwhelmed to start with, but as the customers started coming I started to relax and had a fantastic day. It's safe to say I caught the bug.
In 2018 you'll find me in the North Island and South!
Auckland, Woolfest in May
Christchurch, Midwinter Woolfeast in June
Wellington, Capital fibre fest in July.
Napier, KAN in August.
This year I am one of the proud sponsors for Midwinter Woolfeast. I can't wait to meet you and I'm really looking forward to starting the venture in travelling to woolshow's. I'm hoping in 2019 I have gained enough experience to attend a three day show.